
Donate to Kidney Health NZ

Kidney Health New Zealand does not receive any Government support - we rely on donations and bequests to fund our work so we need the support of generous donors, grant funding bodies and sponsors to help us achieve our goal of better kidney health for all New Zealanders.

A non-profit organisation providing funding for research into prevention, early detection and cure of kidney disease. Provides education and support to the general public on kidney disease and treatment.

0800 KIDNEY (543639)

Kidney Health New Zealand does not receive any Government support - we rely on donations and bequests to fund our work so we need the support of generous donors, grant funding bodies and sponsors to help us achieve our goal of better kidney health for all New Zealanders.  here are a number of ways you can support our organisation, not all of them involve giving donations.


A non-profit organisation providing funding for research into prevention, early detection and cure of kidney disease. Provides education and support to the general public on kidney disease and treatment.

0800 KIDNEY (543639)

Kidney Health New Zealand does not receive any Government support - we rely on donations and bequests to fund our work so we need the support of generous donors, grant funding bodies and sponsors to help us achieve our goal of better kidney health for all New Zealanders.  here are a number of ways you can support our organisation, not all of them involve giving donations.


In Trade In Trade
Item Condition Not Applicable
Region Christchurch