
Rudest Game in the World - Pack of 3 versions - Half Price

Shipping included! The Rudest Game in the World plays like 'Cards Against Humanity', setting up a leading scenario and then providing rude and inappropriate possible answers. Rated 17+.
The Rudest Game in the World plays like 'Cards Against Humanity', setting up a leading scenario and then providing rude and inappropriate possible answers.
Rated 17+ this pack of 3 games includes:
1. Rudest Game in the World Base Game
2. Rudest Game in the World For Gamers - can be used as a standalone game or as an expansion pack for the Base Game.
3. Rudest Game in the World for Weebs - as above.
Normally $60.00 retail, this pack of 3 games is half price, (would be $180 total) with shipping included!!  Keep a game for yourself and give the others to a Gamer or a Weeb friend!
(By the way, a Weeb is someone who is infatuated with Japanse culture).
The Rudest Game in the World plays like 'Cards Against Humanity', setting up a leading scenario and then providing rude and inappropriate possible answers.
Rated 17+ this pack of 3 games includes:
1. Rudest Game in the World Base Game
2. Rudest Game in the World For Gamers - can be used as a standalone game or as an expansion pack for the Base Game.
3. Rudest Game in the World for Weebs - as above.
Normally $60.00 retail, this pack of 3 games is half price, (would be $180 total) with shipping included!!  Keep a game for yourself and give the others to a Gamer or a Weeb friend!
(By the way, a Weeb is someone who is infatuated with Japanse culture).
Region Northland